Amateur Dramatics
In 1993 Barry was asked to audition for a musical which resulted in him taking a principal role in his first show, The Seven Sided Dice. The show was produced by Tamworth Drama Workshop. This was to be the start of a series of productions for Barry and led to him joining his first amateur theatre group, Atherstone Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society, in late 1993.
Then, in 1994 Barry joined the Tamworth Theatre of the Unemployed with whom he took roles in a number of one-act plays and also played a major part in the controversial 24-episode soap "Ankerside", recorded for Palace FM (now Centre FM). "Ankerside" hit national press headlines when it was banned from broadcasting by the Palace FM committee because it was too controversial (Barry was a member of the committee at the time - I know...crazy; needless to say Barry voted for broadcasting). The story was picked up by Wire TV, the cable network, and an excerpt was featured on the TV station.
Barry is also proud to have taken part in the permanent exhibition "The Tamworth Story" in Tamworth Castle Museum, after being filmed as a 19th century citizen who was "collared" by policemen of early Tamworth. This "Living Image" features the image and voice of Barry speaking from a prison cell. Barry also supplied the narration for the "Tamworth on the Move" exhibit in the museum. Unfortunately both exhibits have since been taken out of use due to technological faults.
Productions in which Barry has appeared are:
1993 |
7-Sided Dice
Tamworth Drama Workshop(Producer - Phil Rean, MD - Mike Smith, SM Keith Dawson) |
1994 |
King & I -Atherstone Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society (Producer Steve Duncan) |
1994 |
one-act plays
Tamworth Theatre of the Unemployed (Producer John Garforth) |
1995 |
Cinderella - Lakeside Residents Association (Producer and MD - Keith Dawson) |
1995 |
Carousel - Atherstone Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society (Producer - Tony Moore, MD - Walter White) |
1995 |
Hans Andersen - Coleshill Operatic Society (Producer - David Derrington) |
1995 |
The Mikado - Centre Theatre Company, Nuneaton (Producer - Gren Redfern, MD - Walter White) |
1996 |
Viva Mexico - Atherstone Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society (Producer - Tony Moore, MD - Walter White) |
1996 |
Calamity Jane - Coleshill Operatic Society (Producer and MD - Andrew Alton) |
1996 |
A La Carte
A La Carte - St Augustine's Musical Theatre Company (Producer - Veronica Walsh, MD - Stephen Powell) |
1997 |
Oklahoma - Atherstone Amateur Operatic & Dramatic Society (Producer - Barry John, MD - David Hooker) |
1997 |
Fiddle On The Roof - Coleshill Operatic Society (Producer - Peter Green) |
1997 |
Follies - St Augustine's Musical Theatre Company (Producer - Veronica Walsh, MD - Stephen Powell) |
1998 |
Exmouth Pavillion (Producer and MD - Jennifer Wardman) |
1999 |
Hard Men - Various venues in North Warwickshire (Producers - June Maidens, Sue White, MD - Barry Jackson) |
2000 |
Victorian Follies - Exmouth Pavillion (Producer and MD - Jennifer Wardman) |

Ginny and Am-dram
Ginny has appeared in four shows with Barry. Calamity Jane , A La Carte, Viva Mexico, and Oklahoma.
Ginny also helped backstage for Fiddler' and Follies. Ginny's son Robert also appeared in Oklahoma. Ginny and Robert are also a regular performers with the Victorian Follies